Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (here and further will be referred to as “This Policy”) defines the way according to which Online Casinos Expert is obliged to analyze the private information that every single customer has provided the company. Such information can allow Us to efficiently establish a close relationship with You and manage those relationships accordingly.

This website, all applications that can be found on the site, every single product and service provided, follow This Policy. Moreover, all products and services that do not have a separate privacy policy (thus, will be declared as Our services) also apply This Policy. The purpose of This Policy is to inform You about the procedures concerning data collection, management, and analysis. Moreover, this privacy policy is aimed toward explaining what third parties can obtain your private information, what right You have regarding Our actions and any other vital data regarding privacy and security.

Other confidential information that You provide to Us or that is already in our possession will be analyzed according to the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. We collect information with the help of any of the Online Casinos Expert (“The Website”) or through other tools that may become available.

By reading This Policy, You agree that You understand every single part of This Policy and agree with the fact that Your private information can be analyzed according to this policy. In case something in this Privacy Policy is not accepted by you, You should stop using this Website.

If You see a reference to “Online Casinos Expert”, “Us”, “We” or “Our”, this is a relation to Online Casinos Expert

Every single analysis of private information performed by Us, as shown in this Privacy Policy is going to be carried out according to the US Data Protection Act (hereafter referred to as the “DPA”) as well as any other subsidiary legislation that was issued under the DPA as may be amended from time to time.

The DPA will be acknowledged as the “Data Protection Law”.

Online Casinos Expert is responsible for defining how and why the analysis of the private information will be done and thus should be considered the “Data Controller” in terms of the applicable Data Protection Law.


The Data Controller

“The Data Controller” can be defined as an individual, public authority, organization, or other objects. This body is entitled to define the goals of ways to analyze the collected private information. The purposes and tools of analysis are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the particular criteria for its nomination can be given for by Union or Member State law.

The Data Processor

“The Data Processor” can be defined as an individual, public authority, organization, or other bodies that are entitled to analyze and examine private information on behalf of the controller.

Private information

“Private information” can be defined as any data that is connected and\or identifies You as a person.


Your private information is stored and encrypted on the Online Casinos Expert’s hard drives.

Private information protection

Private information that is stored on Our hard drives is guarded by advanced and modern technologies of encryption. We value Your trust, which is why only the best protection systems and applications are implemented to protect Your private information. Apart from technological advancement, We believe that the most effective implementation of the law defines the protection of exclusive information. According to the law, We can only analyze private information if such analysis is founded on an adequate and appropriate ground to do so due to the existence of the legal grounds established in the DPA.

Handling on the basis of our legitimate interests

A possibility for an appropriate interest can exist in case We have a commercial or business goal that requires the handling of private data. In case there is a necessity to handle Your confidential info, We can ensure that every single step required to analyze your private information will be done according to the highest standards. Be sure that Our actions would not be unfair to You or Your interest.In case there is an appropriate interest to handle Your private data, You will be informed about Our actions. After being informed about the analysis of your confidential info, You will have an opportunity to find all answers regarding our actions. Nevertheless, please remember that We are not required to stop the analysis if the reason for handling your data imbricate Your right to object.

It is important to remember that for Us to analyze your confidential info, We do not need to have your permission. The reason to require your approval if the Website cannot or chooses not to find the ulterior legal ground. In case handling your private information requires approval, You are eligible to take back the given permission whenever You want. In the case that You decide to take back the given permission, We would then analyze the situation and consider is there any possibility for Us to continue handling information based on any appropriate reason to do it without your approval. Please remember that in such a case, You will not be notified about our decision and action. Moreover, if You withdraw your permission, all information that was handled before that action will remain handled.

If You have doubts about the matter of permission, it is essential to emphasize the fact that there may be specific scenarios according to which it would be impossible to not to depend on other legal reasons like The Website’s appropriate interests, the handling of your confidential info will be continued.

When private information is handled due to the given agreement, You may exercise your right to take back the consent at any time.

In case We ask You for the handling of your private information, You remain the right to decline giving Us your data. Please remember, that in case You reject our request, The Website may not be fully available to You, since We require private information in order to provide You with our services.

Again, it is essential to emphasize the fact that agreement is not the only basis that allows The Website to analyze Your private information. As it has been stated above, there might be scenarios that will enable Us to continue analyzing information for various reasons.


During your stays on The Website, your private information is going to be collected and stored with the help of the technology called ‘Cookies’ and other similar tools.To learn more about the process of collecting and storing information, what cookies are, and why they are used, please read Our detailed but easy-to-read Cookie Policy.

Other purposes

There might be situations when Your private data can be required for further use and retain. Possible reasons for such actions can include loss prevention, protection of rights of The Website or individuals based on The Website’s appropriate interests.

Data retention

The Website stores requested private information for a particular time in case it is required by the appropriate business or legal purposes. We make everything possible to ensure that Your information is protected against third parties and accidental or malevolent deletion. Therefore, it is vital to understand that when You delete something, information on our servers will be removed with a certain delay. Due to such procedure, In case You have any questions, please do not hesitate and contact our support department on [email protected]

Authorised disclosures of private information to third parties

The information below does not contradict anything that is contained in this Privacy Policy. The Website has the right to share private data that concerns its customers and provide such data to other organizations that are authorized to utilize this information, in case it is permitted in the location of those organizations by the Data Protection Laws. Such authorized organizations may be the partners of Online Casinos Expert, represent other companies and organizations such as law enforcement agencies, companies that work with us, or other companies that are interested in cooperation with us. It is also possible for Us to share Your private info with companies that provided Us info about You and that introduced new clients to use The Website. All third parties that allowed Us to use Your private info and other organizations with which We have business cooperation and require handling of Your private information will have access to such data.  Depending on the purpose of the third party and the role of its services and products, the amount of shared private information will vary.

In case information related to You is shared with other organizations that cooperate with Us that and are located outside of the European Economic Area, We have to be completely sure that the transition of such data is protected and secured. Your confidential data can also be shared with organizations that are associated with companies of our partners. The way Your information is dealt with and shared outside the European Economic Area can be found below. Furthermore, You will never see the data about yourself being used for any marketing purposes.

Sharing of private information with other categories of recipients

All the entities that are the partners of Online Casinos Expert and that are somehow connected to Our company if pertinent to any of the goals specified here. Private data can only be shared in case You have requested any services that We can offer to you. Any other appropriate ground is also a reason to share your information without your compliance.

Regardless of the reason to share information, such a procedure should be done according to the Data Protection Law. Every single employee working on the data handling should follow a strict obligation to keep any data they receive protected and confidential. The mentioned service providers are also required by several other obligations.

We will never share private information with companies that use such data for marketing reasons. However, in case You give Us Your consent to do so, such an occurrence is possible.

Internet communications

It is essential to emphasize the fact that information sent through the Internet can be handled and transmitted across numerous countries, regardless of the fact that both the sender and the receiver located in one country. In case something happens with Your private data during the relocation through a country with a lower or more inferior quality of security of your confidential info than in the United States, We are not held responsible for the safety of your information. Furthermore, The Site shall not be responsible or liable for the security of Your information during transition through the internet unless it is explicitly stated in the state law.

Accuracy of private information

We make everything possible to keep your private information up-to-date and accurate. If You want to know more about the quality of info We are holding about You, You can contact Us at any time and request information. If You believe that some information does not represent Your lifestyle or anything related to Your identity, please, correct them and contact Us so that such an issue could be resolved. Kindly take a look below for a detailed list of Your legal rights regarding any information protection law that is applied.

Every single link to a third-party website that You can find on The Website should be clearly marked in order to avoid confusion. Please, consider the fact that The Website shall not be held responsible for the information found in the links. In case You want to protect Yourself from possible loses, We kindly advise You to learn more about our partners and read the privacy policy of these sites.

Data subject rights

Online Casinos Expert is ready to help You in case You need to exercise any of the rights regarding your private information. However, it is important for You to realize that in such event, You would have to verify your identity in order to accept the request.

Right of access

Any member of The Site has a right to ask Us whether any private information is currently under analysis and procession. In case it is, You are also entitled to receiving the following data:

  • What Private Information is now possessed
  • What the reasons for the handling are
  • Who else has access to such data
  • The time period for which your info will be kept
  • In case such info is relocated, where it is relocated and what measures are made to protect such information
  • How You can make a complaint,
  • How We obtained and collected Your private information
  • Whether any automated decision-making has been done based on the received information

Right to rectification

It is your right to inquire whether We have any incomplete or incorrect info relating to You rectified and/or completed.

Right of erasure (the “Right to be forgotten”)

In case You need to delete Your account with all its confidential information completely, You can do it by contacting us. However, it is important to understand that We can assist You with such subject only where

  • Your private info is no longer needed for any purposes that required the collection of such data
  • There is no legal basis for Us to retain and handle Your private info when You have withdrawn your permission
  • You objected to the erasure
  • The process of managing the data was unlawful, incorrect, or inappropriate
  • There exists a legal obligation to which We are subject; or
  • Certain grounds regarding children’s rights.

Please remember, that We may refuse to delete Your private information in case the handling of such data is required by a certain legal obligation or duty that was imposed on Us.

Right to restriction of handling

In case You need your private data not to be handled, You have such a right. However, please remember that You can only exercise this right where:

  • You noticed inaccuracy in Your private data and requested changing the information. The period of time required for Us to change the info will be acceptable to restrict the handling of Your information
  • The handling can be considered illicit, and You object the deletion of Your private info; or
  • You need Your private information in order to exercise or defense of legal claims, and We no longer need such information; or

In case any of the above is correct, there are only a few scenarios during which We are in a position to handle Your confidential info:

  • Where We have Your permission; or
  • In case You need to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; or
  • In case it is required to protect the rights of another person; or
  • It is an essential public interest.

Right to data portability

In case You request Your private info, We can provide You it in a well-read, structured, commonly used, and adequate format. We can also send the information to another Data Controller directly. However, it can be done only if such action does not influence other members of the site. You may only exercise this right where:

  • You gave your permission to Us to handle your information
  • Such analysis is done automatically

If You want to take back the permission to handle Your confidential info, kindly refer to the section regarding handling confidential info based on given approval, that can be found above.

Right to object to handling

There are situations in which You can object to the analysis and handle of your private information. Please remember that your private information can be handled according to the following grounds:

  • It is required to handle the data in the public interest; or
  • Any purpose provided by Us or a third party that cooperates with us.

The analysis of information can be stopped in case We cannot provide enough adequate reasons for continuing analyzing your data. In case your info is used for certain marketing purposes, You can object to handling Your info as your private information cannot be handled for marketing goals.

Otherwise, objection to handle Your information will not be satisfied.

Right to lodge a complaint

Being a Data subject, every single member of the Site retains the right to make any complaint in case the member believes that their rights were violated by USA Casino Expert. An objection can be sent to any Data Protection Supervisory Authority.

Nevertheless, if You believe that Your right is being impinged by Online Casino Expert, We kindly advise You to contact so that We could solve this issue peacefully without the need to lodging a complaint with the IDPC.

It is important to note that regardless of such rights, We have a right to deny such a request in case such a decision can be considered logical and reasonable. Still, remember that such denial is not an obstacle for You to make an objection to the above-mentioned information.

Company information

In case You need clarification on any of the above parts of This Policy, We are happy to help you. Simple contact our DPO at [email protected] or by writing to the address above.

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